This was a well-written romantic suspense story with engaging characters and a really creepy plot. Someone shoots a Supreme Court Justice and sets off a major investigation involving the FBI, Homeland Security, the US Marshall's Service and just about every other law enforcement agency in existence. Also involved because he is friends with the victim is Adam Raiker who is a former FBI agent who left the agency to start his own security firm. When the widow pulls strings to get him into the investigation, he is paired with Jaid Marlowe who was a former colleague and ex-lover.The tension is high between Adam and Jaid as they must work together. Adam had forced Jaid out of his life both to protect her and to protect his own secrets. He is a very closed individual who doesn't share anything about his past. He is also in lots of danger and wants to keep her safe. Jaid is no delicate flower. She is an experienced and competent FBI agent. She is more than willing to question Adam's decisions which makes her very different than Adam's other colleagues. The story had an interesting cast of characters including the FBI agent who was once Adam's partner and who is now in charge of the investigation of the Justice's death, the priest who acted as a friend and mentor of the young Adam and who has now made some questionable choices, the partner of Adam's who might just have a serious gambling problem. Then there is the villain who is a criminal mastermind responsible for the deaths of five people and who is determined to pin the crime on Adam. The story refers to lots of events that happened in the past but I never felt lost or confused. Enough information was given to make me feel like I knew enough. However, I did immediately go out and buy the other five books in the Mindhunters series.The writing style was clean and crisp. I liked the balance between dialog and description. The pacing was fast and furious as the story continued. I recommend this story to lovers of romantic suspense even though the actual romance didn't kick in until 60% of the story was told. The tension between Adam and Jaid was built nicely through the story.