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Good As Gone
Douglas Corleone
Timothy Miller

The Moon And The Tide (Marina's Tales, #2)

The Moon And The Tide (Marina's Tales, #2) - Derrolyn Anderson In this story Marina gets more and more addicted to surfing and lets Lorelei lead her into more and more dangerous situations. This causes conflicts with Ethan because he can see the danger and Marina can not. An old girlfriend of Ethan's makes an appearance in this one. When Ethan lies about seeing her, Marina feels both hurt and betrayed by him. Evie is also determined to break them up because she sees Ethan as being too controlling. Marina learns lots of new things about Evie and Evie's role in her life in this episode. She also learns more about her life as a hybrid and what that could mean both for herself and for her friends.A new enemy appears too. This one wants to have Marina's powers to bring out the best in people under his control. It seems that there are factions of hybrids who want to use Marina's powers to gain power and wealth and are willing to do anything to control her. I enjoyed both of these stories and look forward to the third book in the series - The Fate of the Muse. I think that these books would be engaging for any young adult reader who likes their romance with a bit of the paranormal. Unfortunately, without a print copy being available, these will be restricted to those with ereaders or who are willing to read on the computer screen.