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Good As Gone
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Dragon's Oath (House of Night)

Dragon's Oath - P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast When I like a series, I want more about the characters than an author can reasonably fit into one text. Therefore, I was please to see that the Casts were planning to do a series of novellas that focused on some of those characters.This story about Dragon and his love Anastasia added great depth to two of the characters in the House of Night books. I liked learning what made Dragon the man he is. I liked finding out more about Anastasia's background too. She's a new young professor of spells; he's a fledgling. She is asked by a number of other fledglings for love spells so that they can attract him. She decides to cast a spell so that those who are fascinated with him can see him clearly. She is surprised by what she sees.The story was a well-written glimpse into the lives of both Dragon and Anastasia that lets readers know where they came from. I also liked the illustrations that dotted the story.