This sequel to Nightshade was a real page-turner. I hardly moved from my chair once I started reading it because I just had to know what happened next. Calla wakes up to find that she is with the Searchers - her sworn enemies. But they want her to switch over to her side. Since she has learned about the dark underside of her masters, she is willing. But she feels a lot of guilt because she left her pack behind when the saved Shay's life and ran away with him. A lot of the action in this story concerns the rescue mission to get her pack and maybe to get Ren. Antoher source of guilt for Calla is her relationship with Ren. She loves both Shay and Ren but in different ways. She feels torn between them.This episode let us see the Searchers side of the war and introduced a number of great characters. Adne, Connor, and Ethan were all interesting and well-rounded new characters. Even geeky and tactless Silas had his moments. This is a must-read for anyone who has read Nightshade. It was action packed and thought provoking too.