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Good As Gone
Douglas Corleone
Timothy Miller

Blood Work (Hollows Graphic Novel)

Blood Work: An Original Hollows Graphic Novel - Gemma Magno, Pedro Maia Maia, Kim Harrison I think that I am not as visual as the average person. I get my information from words and sounds. Therefore, a graphic novel is not my favorite form of the written word. But I am a fan of the Hollows series and thought I would give it a try.I can recognize that the images were well-drawn and well-colored. The action flowed. But for me the story was shallow. I missed the nuances that can be done with text. The story was about the first meeting of Ivy and Rachel and their first case together. It is told from Ivy's point of view and emphasizes her attraction to Rachel.Generally it sets up their personality types. Rachel is more impulsive than Ivy. Ivy is more controlled and self-contained. I think that fans of graphic novels and the Hollows series will like this new addition to the body of work.