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Good As Gone
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Tuesdays at the Castle

Tuesdays at the Castle - Jessica Day George What a great adventure in a fascinating world. Castle Glower might be the greatest place ever to live. Imagine a castle that adds rooms whenever it wants to. Celie is the youngest child of King Glower the 79th and his Queen. She is the one who loves the castle best and delights in exploring and mapping all the changes that it goes through. She is 11. When the King and Queen leave to attend their oldest son's graduation from wizard school, Celie is sad to be left behind with her sister Lilah and brother Rolf. But the children are even more distressed when their parents don't return and are presumed dead. When emissaries arrive from two of the nearest countries and the Council seems to be pushing Rolf aside, Celie is determined to do something.Prince Khelsh from Vhervhine is clearly up to something and the Council is going along with it. Rolf is the heir to the throne but is only 14. The Council decides to set up a Regency to last for ten years and appoints Prince Khelsh to be on the Council. Celie and Castle Glower need to find a way to continue the search for her parents and to keep Rolf safe from the plotting of the Council. Luckily they are up to the task.This was an exciting story with well-drawn characters. There was a lot of action and adventure. I recommend it to middle grade fantasy lovers.