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Charmfall (Dark Elite Series #3)

Charmfall - Chloe Neill This was another charming episode in the Dark Elite series. I love that the author manages to combine the magical with the mundane as can be evidenced in the quote I chose. These are high school kids and they behave like them. I really like the friendship between Lily and Scout. And I like the relationships each have with their boyfriends. I like that Lily is worried about having her heart broken and is cautious as she goes into the relationship. I also like Lily's point of view in this one. She is new to having magic and being an Adept which lets her have some perspective that the other characters don't have. She is able to see the shades of grey while most of her friends in the Adepts are more tuned to seeing black and white. This does create come conflicts with her friends and especially with her boyfriend Jason. But it also makes the story more believable and realistic.The problem in this one is that both the Adepts and the Dark Elite have lost their magic. The loss was sudden and unexplained. The characters all react differently. Lily is least affected because she has had her magic the shortest amount of time. And the Adepts, unlike the Dark Elite, know that they will be giving up their magic when they get older but the shock of having no magic now is difficult for many of them.This was an entertaining and engaging story with real kids working through real problems (and some magical ones too.) I recommend the series to lovers of paranormal books.