This novella tells about Kate's six-month sabbatical. After passing the tests and becoming immortal in The Goddess Test, she marries Henry who is Hades the god of the Underworld. But she must spend six months away from him on Earth. She travels with James (Hermes) to Greece. James is her good friend but Henry's rival both for his position as god of the Underworld and for Kate's love.While in Greece, James engineers a meeting with Castor and Pollux. They have been on the run from both Walter (Zeus) and Henry for many years. The brothers - one mortal and one immortal - had been separated by a bargain with Walter. But Pollux broke Castor out of the Underworld causing Henry to try to hunt him down.Kate gets dropped right in the middle of the problem and gets some of the rose rubbed off her rose-colored glasses. She had thought that the gods were all good and now she learns that they have their faults too. Walter won't change his decision because of his pride. Henry has an over developed desire to follow the rules.The story is told from both Kate's and Henry's points of view. Along the way we see how Henry feels about Kate and we learn about Kate's insecurities in regard to her future with Henry. This was a nice bridge between The Goddess Test and Goddess Interrupted.Only the thought that this story does not stand alone keeps me from rating it a five star read. The language and the story were both well-done and entertaining. But a lot of the character development was done in The Goddess Test and therefore would be hard for someone who started with this title to infer from the contents of this story.