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Good As Gone
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Hidden - Kelley Armstrong, Angilram This short novel was still a great glimpse into the lives of Elena and Clayton and their children. I liked that we got to see more of the personalities of the twins. Kate is impulsive and empathetic and artistically talented; Logan is quiet and serious and frighteningly bright. They are off to have a quiet Christmas as a family.But the quiet is disrupted by the strange werewolf they meet on arrival and by the potential of a man-eating werewolf in the area. Elena and Clayton are trying to investigate while keeping that part of their life secret from their kids.One of the big issues in this story is Elena's indecision about whether or not to tell the kids that their parents are werewolves. Clay is all for telling them but Elena doesn't want to place an extra burden of secrecy on the children. But she also doesn't want to lie to them. It is a big decision for her. This is a nice addition to the Women of the Otherworld series which also has a few full color plates for illustrations. I wasn't really that fond of the pictures though because they seemed too "manga" to me and almost cartoonish. I prefer the images I have in my head for Elena and Clayton and the kids. Avid fans will have to have this one.