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Good As Gone
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A Perfect Storm

A Perfect Storm  - Lori Foster I liked this most recent episode in the Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series. This is Arizona's story. Arizona was a victim who was rescued by Jackson after her captors beat her, tied her up, and threw her into a river in the middle of a storm. Jackson now thinks of her as an adopted younger sister. But Arizona is determined to take charge of her life and to take revenge on the traffickers who tried to make her a victim. She meets Spencer when he steps in and kills the trafficker that Arizona was after. Spencer sees a beautiful young woman that he wants to protect. He also sees a woman that he thinks is too young for him and who needs to be handled carefully because of all she went through. Arizona isn't going to put up with that. She is strong and a survivor and wants to be accepted as an equal by Spencer, Jackson and the other men.I especially liked Arizona's brash confidence in her abilities and her take-no-prisoners attitude. She isn't going to let her past hold her back from getting what she wants. I did get a little upset by her recklessness and the way she seems to undervalue herself. Spencer is an epic sort of hero. He is strong, smart, protective and, once he gets over his hang-up about her age, he's the perfect mate for Arizona. He will let her do what she needs to do and will do his best to love and support her. Their's looks like an excellent partnership in the making. The main focus of this story seemed to me to be the relationship between Spencer and Arizona. The plot to take down traffickers at a bar seemed to really be in the background of this story. This is a great story if you are looking for a relationship story. However, the suspense part of a romantic suspense novel was slighted.