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Pack of Lies (Red Ridge Pack)

Pack of Lies - Sara Dailey, Staci Weber I love werewolf books! This was a good one. Allison is having problems at school. She has lost all her friends, is being hit on by guys she hasn't even said hello to, and is getting into fights with jealous girls. She doesn't know what is going on. When her mother tells her that she and her older brother are werewolves, her first reaction is laughter of the "you must be kidding" variety. But watching her mother transform into a wolf convinces her that her mother is telling the truth. Her mother fell in love with her human father and left the pack to be with him. She has never told her kids anything about what was in store for them when they grew up. The family is packing up and moving from Houston back to Red Ridge, New Mexico to be with her mother's family. Allison hopes that this will give her a chance for a fresh start and new friends. The story is told in the first person by three of the characters. Each chapter heading tells us if we will be hearing the story from Allison, Cade or Kendall. Cade is the son of the current alpha and knows that it is his task to be the next alpha. Kendall is the girl who has been chosen to be his mate. The problems start when Allison and Cade take one look at each other and fall instantly in love. Normally, I am not a fan of "insta-love" but can let it slide this time because they are both werewolves and werewolves do fall instantly in love if they meet their true mate. Not all werewolves find true mates. There hasn't been such a pairing in the pack since a couple in the great-grandparent generation. Kendall is not willing to step aside for Allison for a variety of reasons. She is under great pressure from her mother to latch onto Cade to raise her family's status in the pack. She is also determined to keep Cade because she likes being the alpha's girlfriend. She makes it hard for Allison in a number of ways.I was of two minds about Cade. At first I didn't like him because he couldn't make a decision about the girls. Of course, he was under a lot of pressure too. His father favored Kendall and disliked Allison and her family. Did I mention that the werewolf Allison's mother set aside when she fell for Allison's father was the current alpha? He was also a lot of pressure from Kendall to keep up the relationship. This was an exciting story with lots of romance and some danger too. I enjoyed it and will be looking for more in the Red Ridge Pack Series. Romance and werewolf fans will both be satisfied by this story.