Sookie's twelfth adventure finds her in the middle of romantic troubles and fairy troubles. Her great-grandfather Niall has closed the door to fairy but has left some fairies outside notably Claude and Dermot. Both of them spend some time living with Sookie even though Sookie doesn't really love her cousin Claude. Both of them say they feel more comfortable when they are around her. Of course, Sookie does have the extremely rare fairy relic - the cluviel dor - hidden in one of her drawers. She inherited it from her grandmother. Sookie knows that it is good for one wish. And, until she uses it, it will be an object that is extremely desirable to any supernatural who finds out about it. Sookie's relationship with Eric is also collapsing largely because Eric is undecided about what he will do about the vampire queen that his sire wanted him to marry. Eric has to decide between his love for Sookie, his desire for power, and his desire to follow the wishes of his friend. Sookie is afraid that the fact that they love each other won't be enough to tip the balance to her side of the equation. It doesn't help that Felipe de Castro, the vampire king of Nevada, Arkansas, and Louisiana, is in town with his entourage to investigate the death of Victor who caused so much trouble for Eric, Sookie and Sam before they killed him.Sookie also has werewolf troubles. Sam's girlfriend Jannalynn really doesn't like her and is making trouble for her with Alcide.This one has lots of tension and some quiet, happy moments too. Tara has her babies, Jason gets engaged, Sam gives Sookie part ownership of Merlotte's. All in all this was a great episode for those of us who have been following along with Sookie's adventures since the first book. Sookie is still strong, smart, practical and down to earth. She has hard times but is able to bounce back and go along stronger than ever. She has lost much of her initial innocence but hasn't become hard. I liked the story and think fans of the series will enjoy it too.