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Good As Gone
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Changing The Game (Play By Play, #2)

Changing the Game - Jaci Burton This book sat on my TBR stack for quite a while. I wasn't sure I wanted to read it because the heroine of this book was the villain of the first book of the series -- The Perfect Play. It is a tribute to the power of Ms. Burton's writing that I really, really disliked Elizabeth Darnell. But enough time has passed and I came to this romance with on open mind. I found that I really did like Liz with her hidden vulnerabilities and her tough exterior. And Gavin is a hero to die for - handsome, buff, professional baseball player, devoted son and good friend. Did I mention hot?Liz has been avoiding Gavin since his older brother Mick fired her as his agent. She is afraid that Gavin will fire her too which would really hurt her agency. She is also afraid that Gavin will realize that she has loved him for years. Naturally, Gavin is clueless! He is however interested enough to take her home with him to talk and doesn't mind at all that the talking leads to sex. There are tons of rather graphic love scenes that don't go over the line for me because they are clearly love scenes and not just sex scenes. Sex is the one area where they don't have disagreements or any confusion. But outside of bed (or wherever else they decide to make love) there is less compatibility. Liz has to balance her role as her agent with her role as her lover. And Gavin is getting constant pressure from his brother to drop Liz. This was a great romance featuring people I came to like very much. I recommend it and encourage readers to look for the first book in this series - The Perfect Play - to find out why Mick dislikes her so much. I am also eager to read Taking a Shot to see Mick and Gavin's sister Jenna find a romance of her own.