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Good As Gone
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The Hunter and The Hunted (Otherworld Stories, #7.3, 10.4)

The Hunter and The Hunted - Kelley Armstrong STALKED was a story that I was familiar with. I am such a fan of Armstrong's work that I buy anthologies just for her stories. If you have My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon, you already own this story. What I liked most about it is that it is told by Clayton Danvers. It tells about a honeymoon trip that he planned to St. Louis, which seems an odd honeymoon destination for a couple of werewolves, and which is turning out to be less exciting than either of them had hoped. Less exciting that is until a stray werewolf shows up who wants to kill Clayton and take Elena as his own. Obviously, this guy isn't too bright! Clayton notices him following them but tries to keep it from Elena so as not to spoil their honeymoon. Elena isn't fooled and together they end up taking on the not-too-bright stray werewolf. They also have a honeymoon that is more their style.OFF-DUTY ANGEL is a story featuring Eve Levine. She is bored while Kristoff is off on a case and ends up getting herself into trouble as she starts following a guy, discovers a lost spell book attributed to Moses, and ends up in the Hell dimension. It is Eve at her irreverent and quirky best and provides us with a look at the dimension where she lives people by oni, angels, fates, and other supernatural creatures.The ebook also contains the Prologue and first six chapters of THIRTEEN. We see Savannah, Jaime, Jeremy, Adam and Eve in this section. It begins with Savannah, Bryce, Jeremy and Jaime getting away from a bomb blasted lab. Then Savannah and Jaime are arrested and the rest takes place at the jail. This brief teaser makes me very eager for the release of THIRTEEN on July 24.The stories were a good way to find out more about the characters of the Women of the Otherworld series and were a good way to get an Otherworld fix while waiting for THIRTEEN.