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Good As Gone
Douglas Corleone
Timothy Miller

Eve and Adam

Eve and Adam - This book was amazing, engaging, and thought provoking. I loved Eve's snarky voice. Her unique way of looking at the world made me laugh quite a number of times. I loved her relationship with her best friend Aislin. The story begins when Eve is in an accident that does major damage. Her billionaire mother rushes her from the hospital to her biotech firm where she becomes the only patient at an exclusive hospital. There she meets another teen named Solo who is apparently a resident of the biotech center.Eve both loves and hates her mother. Terra Spiker is cold, distant, obsessed with her business, and generally neglectful of Eve. Eve still mourns and misses her father who was a sculptor and who died when she was twelve. She says that her father was the intermediary between she and her mother. After his death the distance didn't close.The story is told primarily in two voices by Eve and Solo. Solo is convinced Terra Spiker is using her company to play god and do many things that are both illegal and unethical. He has been collecting evidence for quite some time in his role as general gopher and assistant. He has big plans to expose her because he blames her for the deaths of his parents and their ousting from the company. While Eve is recovering she gets to know Solo and she gets a chance to play with a new computer program that lets her work with genetics and create the perfect man. She has no idea that her creation will be more than a computer simulation.The story is filled with revelations and discoveries. It also includes danger and romance. I think that young science fiction fans will enjoy this one. It will also appeal to those romance lovers who would like to create their own perfect match. I can't wait to add this one to my media center.