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Good As Gone
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I Do Solemnly Swear

I Do Solemnly Swear - D.M. Annechino This fast-paced thriller had some strong points and some weak ones for me. It reminded me of a lighter, much less technical Tom Clancy-like story. The viewpoint shifts between characters and it is up to the reader to put the pieces together. The main character is Kate Miles, former Kansas governor and current vice president, who is awakened in the middle of the night to learn that the president has died. Kate has to assume control of the government. She expects to have a difficult time because she and the former president ran as independents. They don't have the support of the Congress or of Washington insiders. Also, Kate is in a marriage that is falling apart around her. Her husband is dissatisfied with Washington life and has turned to alcohol for solace. He decides to go back to Kansas leaving her even more alone and isolated.When she learns that the former president was poisoned rather than dying of a heart attack, things get even more complex. She chooses the deputy director of the CIA to head the investigation and strings lead to both the director of the CIA and the Congressman that Kate chose as her new vice president.We also get to spend time in the twisted mind of a white supremacist who has been chosen to assassinate President Miles. We learn that he is part of a large conspiracy based on Hitler's ideals. He is also a murderer who kills a couple who stay in the room next to his at the hotel because he is black and she is white. Even more than the political intrigue in Washington is happening. The situation in the Middle East is very volatile with Iraq threatening to invade Israel through Jordan. Kate has to make some tough decisions there too. Lots happens in this story. The pace was almost frantic. But we also got to see the essential loneliness and isolation that Kate felt as the new president. Seeing her that way made her a more well-rounded person. Although I did think her relatively sudden decision to have a child seemed to come out of nowhere and wasn't a good solution for her loneliness.Fans of thrillers will find some things her to enjoy. The surprise ending leaves room for a sequel but the story ties up most of the loose ends and doesn't demand one.