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Good As Gone
Douglas Corleone
Timothy Miller

Dangerous Affairs

Dangerous Affairs - Diana  Miller What a great romance and set in my own home state of Minnesota, too! Abby comes home to Minnesota when she divorces her cheating husband after one too many affairs. She wants her daughter Maddie to have the wonderful childhood that she did not. Abby's parents were both drunks and her father threw in some physical abuse too. Enough that Abby learned to block out all the bad memories until therapy after her divorce started unblocking them.Luckily, Abby was informally adopted by her best friend Laura's parents Bill and Mary. They are all still in her hometown to provide love and support. But Abby also seems to have attracted a stalker with her return home. It seems someone believes that the cheating adulteress she portrayed on a popular soap opera was the real Abby. Such a belief was aided by Abby's not defending herself when the press painted her as the one who had affairs that ended her marriage. Even the local police chief Josh has trouble separating the actress from the reality. Of course, Josh has the slight excuse of being in the process of getting over his own divorce and his own cheating wife.At first, Josh is certain that Abby is manufacturing the stalker for publicity but it doesn't take long for him to see Abby as she really is. He begins investigating the stalker episodes and investigating the steadily more realistic dreams that Abby is having about a murder. Of course, things are even more complicated by a reappearance of the cheating husband and Josh's former young girlfriend who doesn't want to let him go. This was a good mystery too. The identity of the stalker and his motives came as a complete surprise to me.I really enjoyed this story and will be looking for more by this author.