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Good As Gone
Douglas Corleone
Timothy Miller

Shattered Souls (Caitlyn O’Connell, #1)

Shattered Souls (Caitlyn O’Connell, #1) - Delilah Devlin This urban fantasy was as hot as its Memphis setting. Main character Caitlyn O'Connell is the daughter of a witch and a cop. After the death's of her parents she decided to give up magic and follow her father's footsteps into the police force. But magic isn't so easily set aside. Cait drinks to mute the voices she can't help hearing. Her alcohol use cost her her job and her marriage. Now her ex-husband Sam Pierce has come to her because there is a case that might involve her. Her former partner has disappeared from a blood-soaked hotel room. He doesn't want to get involved with her again. Between the alcohol and the secrets she was determined to keep from him, he has lost his trust in her. However, the attraction (and the love) isn't so easy to lose. The missing person case soon becomes a murder case and has some paranormal elements that force Cait to go back to the magic she tried to leave behind her. With Sam along to see this world he didn't know about, Cait and Sam have to depend on each other to solve the case. At first they both believe that they will be able to walk away when the case is over. They are wrong.This was an intense, emotional story with lots of hot love scenes and a really creep villain. Urban fantasy fans will enjoy it very much.