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Good As Gone
Douglas Corleone
Timothy Miller

Double Crossed: A Spies and Thieves Story (Gallagher Girls, #5.5; Heist Society, #2.5)

Double Crossed: A Spies and Thieves Story - Ally Carter The Gallagher Girls meet the Heist society in this story of a kidnapping/jewel theft that goes wrong because Macey McHenry, W W Hale V and Kat Bishop—three teens who are anything but ordinary—get involved. Hale and Macy are attending a high society party when gunmen wearing masks of US Presidents sneak in apparently to rob the guests or hold them for ransom. Hale and Macey use their skills as thieves and spies to thwart the robbers from the inside while Kat and Abby work from the outside to outsmart the gunmen and capture the real thief. Also contained in this ebook are the first three chapters of Heist Society and the first two chapters of the first Gallagher Girls book, I'd Tell You I love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You. I have only read Heist Society but now I'm eager to read the rest of that series and read the Gallagher Girls series too.