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Good As Gone
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The Runaway King (Ascendance Trilogy Series #2)

The Runaway King - Jennifer A. Nielsen The adventure continues in this sequel to The False Prince. Jaron has been recognized as the new king of Carthya. However, his Regents don't trust him or think him capable. They want to appoint a Steward to oversee the kingdom until Jaron comes of age. Jaron finds this annoying but what angers him more is the Regents' failure to see the danger to the kingdom that Avenia and the Pirates pose. After a failed assassination attempt carried out by old friend turned enemy Roden, Jaron decides to leave and neutralize the pirate threat. That seems like an impossible task but Jaron is incapable of accepting defeat and he finds that he has old friends in Imogen and Mott and new friends in Master Rulon Harlow and some thieves named Erick and Fink. There are lots of adventures, and Jaron faces lots of danger, on his way to the pirates' town. There are daring escapes, sword fights, and lots and lots of Jaron's smart-mouthed quips. Jaron is the sort of character who always has deeply hidden plans that only slowly unfold for the reader. I enjoyed this story and know that students who read The False Prince will be eager for this next book of Jaron's adventures.