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Good As Gone
Douglas Corleone
Timothy Miller

The Rising

The Rising - Kelley Armstrong This conclusion to the Darkness Rising trilogy has our characters finding a life they can live with. The story begins with them still on the run from the Cabal that is chasing them and has them trying to find a way to reconnect with the parents who believe they are dead. They are looking for allies who might be able to face down the very powerful and secretive Cabals. They also have to figure out who they can trust since it seems all the adults we see in the book have their own agendas.Maya meets the twin brother she didn't know she had until a week earlier and has to get to know him too. Ash didn't have Maya's indulged childhood but spent time in a number of foster homes and living on the streets. It gives him a viewpoint that Maya does not have. I liked his street smarts and thought his wariness about forming a relationship with Maya and the rest of the kids was very realistic. On the personal front, Maya is conflicted about her romantic life. Everyone around her is telling her that Daniel wants a deeper relationship than just being her best friend which forces her to reassess how she sees him. It also changes her relationship with Rafe and has Maya, who is normally smart and confident, dithering.The story is filled with adventure and danger and is also filled with strong relationships. I liked that Armstrong had these kids unite with the kids from the Darkest Powers trilogy but found it hard to keep track of all the characters and the relationships. I think that, if I read all the previous books more recently, it would have been much easier. This one is for young adult fans of urban fantasy. The characters are likable and the story is well-written.