Cynthia Eden has written an emotional and intense romantic suspense novel in DIE FOR ME. Katherine Cole can't ignore it when her ex-fiance--the Valentine Killer--surfaces in New Orleans. She has been relocated there by the US Marshals who now want to her relocate again. Katherine--never call her Kat--is sick of running and tired of the guilt she feels each time she hears about another victim.She goes to the cops. Detective Dane Black is in charge of the latest case. Dane goes from thinking she might be a suspect herself or an accomplice to deciding that she is an innocent victim that he needs to protect with his life. The emotions are intense. But Katherine is no victim. She has strength and courage and is determined to stop the Valentine Killer before he kills again.The Valentine Killer is obsessed with Katherine because she didn't let the abuse she suffered as a child damage her as he was damaged. He needs her because she makes him a better person but he needs to kill more. The story has lots of twists and turns. There are a series of grisly deaths that all connect with Katherine in some way. Eden kept me totally in the dark about who the Valentine Killer was.Fans of romantic suspense novels will like both the mystery and the romance in this one. As for myself, I never want to get a bouquet of red roses...